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According to legend, a Guarani chieftain had to flee his land and leave his tribe behind after being attacked by bands from Brazil, who raided indigenous tribes to find slaves. It is said that during his exile, he managed to escape by crossing a stream and left the indelible marks of his feet and hands in the vicinity until he encountered Jesuit fathers who offered him asylum, care, and baptized him with the name "Santo" for such a miracle.

In Guarani, "PI" means foot and "PO" means hands, "RE" means traces. Thus, the name "Piporé" was formed, which means "Huellas de Pie y Mano del cacique Santos" (Traces of the Foot and Hand of Chieftain Santos). With these elements and the abbreviation "Santo" (from Santos), "Santo Pipó" was formed, which popular imagination elevated to the status of a miraculous saint.

The Yerba Mate de Santo Pipó SCL producers are a cooperative of yerba farmers born in 1930 and created by a group of Swiss immigrants who settled in Santo Pipó, Misiones. For many years, the cooperative processed yerba to supply various milling companies, who packaged it and sold it under their respective brands in the market. It was not until the early 1960s that the brand Piporé was created, which began to be marketed in Argentina and later abroad.

Today, the brand is among the top 10 yerba producers in the country and among the top 3 exporters worldwide.

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